International Trademark Registered for Takach Paper International

International Trademark Registered for Takach Paper International

Great news to share!

Its official TRADEMARK STATUS in Mexico for Takach Paper International!

We love Mexico and our customers there and look forward to serving you all with a great selection of Art Paper and superb shipping.

Your support means the World to us, Thank you!

¡Gran noticia para compartir!
¡Su ESTADO DE MARCA oficial en México para Takach Paper International
Amamos a México y a nuestros clientes allí y esperamos poder servirles a todos con una gran selección de papel de arte y un excelente envío.
Su apoyo significa el mundo para nosotros, ¡Gracias!






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-SPECIAL Mix and Match any paper in stock. 100 sheets Bulk pricing 50 sheets to 10 sheets.

- Arnhem 1618 SALE! White or Warm White 245 grams Size 22x30 package price (100) $2.40 package (50) $2.80 10-49 Sheet price $2.90

- Domestic Etching Color Off White 175 grams Size 26x40 package price (100) $2.90 Package price (59) $3.15 10-49 sheet price $3.45
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